We are a C.R.I.A.R. agency.

c.ontext knowledge and r.esources to improve efficiency, i.deas and a.ctions to increase efficacy and r.esults analytics to measure the effectiveness of your brand in the market.


Mapping of market demands, expectations and needs. Design of the brand value proposal and the client's journey.

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Activation of automation platforms and marketing management. Creation of communication channels and brand relationship with the market.

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Creation of concepts, communication campaigns and marketing actions. Design of digital parts and interfaces. Contents for inbound strategies.

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Disclosure actions to attract audience. Engagement for conversion of audience into leads. And relationship for contact nutrition.

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Reports and Surveys to measure the performance and effectiveness of the actions of. Consulting for innovation of marketing processes.

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We help you in your [possible] mission of knowing the demands of your market to design the value proposition of your brand.


Do you know who you're talking to?

Know the pains (yearnings and frustrations), expectations of gain (personal and material) and tasks (functional, social and emotional) of your audience.


Focus on 'demand' or 'of' demand?

Create solutions to problems, real earning possibilities, convenience products and services, according to your audience's perceptions of value.


Creating and feeding marketing and communication processes with assertiveness is a task that demands more efficient channels and platforms.


Qualify your brand's means of contact

Support in activating open and easily accessible channels for your various audiences, with agile, personalized and interactive responses.


The right tools for each application

We give all support in the implementation of platforms: customer relationship management, corporate social networks, online course platforms, e-mail management, marketing and sales automation.


By creating concepts, design and creative content, our ideas attract audiences, convert leads and nurture relationships.


Good idea is the one that solves the problem

Problem is the raw material of creativity. Bring your own, and we'll convert them into creative solutions.


Beyond the interface, experience

We take care of your brand's points of contact, through the design of each interface, for the best experience of your audience.


Besides the shell, stuffing

And a kind of filling for every taste... A brand is recognized as an authority in its market, when it provides answers, ideas and learning customized to its relationships.


Launch your marketing project in 3 steps: audience attraction campaigns, engagement tools for lead conversion and content for relationship nutrition.


Attract interest like a magnet

When the (adequate) medium and (adequate) message meet, attraction is inevitable. An intelligent and effective media plan makes all the difference to increase your audience.


Lead: a new currency of exchange

Convert your audience by exchanging leads for content, awards, ideas, products, services, technologies, knowledge and another world of creative possibilities.


Take care of your relationships

Nurturing is caring, feeding, dedicating, keeping alive... Structure an automated relationship flow so that all your contacts receive what makes them better and makes them recognize its importance.


Results don't fall from the sky. It is necessary to measure the effectiveness of actions to celebrate achievements and prepare for the next challenges.


Simular cenários

Análise preditiva é uma prática que permite simular e testar hipóteses antes de tomar decisões.


Before the prescription, the diagnosis

In order to know what to do, it is necessary, at each cycle, to analyze intelligently the performance indicators, the changes of scenario, the deviations of route and the points of improvement.


Our work

See more in the portfolio

How do we work?

Hire our agency by fee (monthly plans) or job (punctual services)

Marketing advice [fee]

Implementation of marketing projects based on the C.R.I.A.R. methodology. We offer 3, 6 or 12 month plans, with customized modules according to the profile of your project, action or campaign.

Our team becomes part of yours to CREATE your marketing project

Deployment of marketing platforms [job]

Fazemos a implantação, integração e treinamento de plataformas de CRM (relacionamento com cliente),  ESN (rede social corporativa) e LMS (cursos on-line).

Activation of tools for greater efficiency to your marketing project

Web Design [job]

Institutional and e-commerce sites, responsive to mobile, developed on the best platforms on the market

Building smart channels for your marketing project

Auditoria SEO
GRATUITA do seu site

Faça uma análise SEO GRATUITA do seu site e saiba quais os pontos de atenção precisam ser considerados e como está desempenhando nos mecanismos de busca.
Basta preencher o formulário e ver em tempo real os resultados.


Solicite um orçamento

Escolha os serviços de seu interesse por categoria, envie-nos sua solicitação que retornaremos um orçamento.

From our Blog

Recent Posts

How to attract audience and increase your demand?
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Create your email list and leads from scratch
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Calculating Conversion Rates
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